- Unlimited Access & Potential $99
- 8 Fold Path to Class $80
- 4 Class Easy Rider $44
- Individual Class Rates $18 per class
- New Students Special $50 for one month
One Month of Unlimited Yoga. Valid for first time students/ local residents.
buy now!Drop-ins are always welcome - online reservations and payment are optional. Free mats are available if needed.
buy now!Save $28 a month based on 1 class weekly
buy now!Save $64 a month based on 2 classes weekly.
buy now!The more classes you attend, the less you pay per class! Save $117 a month based on 3 classes weekly.
buy now!Rates
Choose your package
Ultimate Wellness
Membership Packages
- Unlimited Access: $99
- 8 Fold Path to Class: $80
- 4 Class Easy Rider: $44
Chunks of Goodness
- 5-Class Bite Size Chunk: $65
- 10-Class Big Chunk: $120
- 20-Class Super Chunk: $220
Unlimited Passports
to Happiness
- Monthly Passport: $130
- 6 Month Passport: $630
- Annual Passport: $995
Private Sessions
$85 - $125
per one hour session.
Discounts available for 10 sessions. Also available at your home or office.
Special offers
One-time lesson
Includes Yoga, Fitness nominated group exercise classes & swimming. A perfect program for beginners, who are eager to lead a healthier lifestyle and consider their options.
book nowWeekly card
Includes advanced yoga classes with our most experienced coaches. This type of membership is perfect for starters. For people, who are not sure what to do with their schedule or workout routine yet.
book nowMonthly card
Includes advanced yoga classes with our top coaches. It`s the most optimal type of a card for anyone, with a tight schedule. With a monthly plan, you`ll be on time everywhere!
book now