Historyabout our center


Welcome to Yoga Center established in San Diego`s east county in 1997. Yoga Center offers yoga classes for all levels of yoga students; young and old, novice and experienced, athletic and sedentary. We believe various styles of yoga should be available to everyone at reasonable prices and strive to have a community of instructors, staff and students offering support and caring for one another. It is our belief that yoga is an essential element to healing a broken body and spirit and to maintain a healthy, low-stress style of living.

Founder  Melissa Grace

Melissa has been practicing Yang-style Tai Chi for over 10 years. She trained one-on-one from 2002 to 2007 with Howard Tseng, a certified Tai Chi master in Taiwan and in California (San Francisco Bay Area). She was a teaching assistant to Howard for about a year in 2007 and 2008 before moving to San Diego. Melissa has been teaching Tai Chi in Salmon, Idaho since 2010.

Center`s principles


We migrated to a new building in the city center on Marmora road.

When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind to will be still and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.


Our team has performed with several new members
New trainer  Dave Johnson

Certified Fall 2002

Dave has been practicing yoga for 12 years, and teaching in San Diego for over 10 years. Bikram says that it takes 10 years for one to become a true Bikram Yoga Teacher and Dave is there... Dave`s great personality, sense of humor, and way with words make those 90 minutes in the hot room seem like a piece of cake.

New trainer  Richard Black

Certified Fall 2005

Yoga found Richard in the late 90s and he has explored and enjoyed various styles of yoga in the years since then. He holds a degree in anthropology and yoga allows him to blend his interest in the broad range of human experience with his love for physical movement. His classes incorporate his formal training in Anusara with his appreciation for other styles of yoga.