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Swadhisthana is the seat of our right to feel and represents the duality (and sometimes dueling nature) of separation versus attachment, two concepts I became intimately familiar with while carrying and birthing my son.

A chakra often characterized for its sexuality, I find its watery dimensions to be layered with both humanity and divinity. Growing up in a society that exploits sex and a religion that denied it, I observed it too often reduced to one or the other. The sexual energy this chakra represents spans desire, sensation, pleasure, need and emotion. Much like water changes form to become ice or snow, this chakra`s energy can shrink or expand commensurate to our awareness of it.

As the life inside me grew from hiranyagarbha, the universal womb where all is in its potential state, into my baby, I began to tune in to this chakra on a physical level like never before. The process of creating and carrying life plunged me down into my fears, opened up new depths of emotion, and baptized me more fully into my humanity. It didn`t wash away the ugly or the shameful or the unacceptable - but they were revealed to me without the lens of judgement. I could feel it all, be it all, allow it all.

Posted by Walter Mayers

I am a writer and yoga teacher who believes in peace over happiness and love over fear. I like to set my sights high and then take small steps to get there. You`ll find me walking the dirt path behind my house with my little fluffy dog, practicing walking my talk by keeping my head high and my heart open.

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You're right, it keeps you fit, calm and healthy at the same time. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely tell my sister about it.

It's great to practise yoga during all the pregnancy period.

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